EVENT: Church Picnic on Sunday the 18th!


On Sunday, August 18th, Trinity Christian Fellowship Church will hosting their annual summer picnic at Schiller Park Woods Grove #2. The festivities begin at noon and run until 4pm. The park is located a short drive from TCF. Here’s a map to help you see how to get there from church:

The church will provide the grilled meats (burgers and hot dogs). We would love it if you would sign up to bring a side dish or dessert to pass. To RSVP and report what food you’re bringing, fill out this very quick Google Form survey:

Another batch of t-shirts have been ordered and we will have them available in time with no charge for teh picnic. Wear it and represent! We would love to take an updated full congregation group photo to update our website!

Lastly, there will be a ton of activities for kids and adults. We’re hopping for a potato sack race, 3-legged race, bingo, bean bags, water balloons, kickball, softball, and big inflatable jumpy house!

Feel free to invite friends and family to join us this Sunday!
