CHARITY UPDATE: Backpacks delivered to local school

CHARITY UPDATE: Backpacks delivered to local school

The planned outcome of Trinity Christian Fellowship Church’s first annual car wash was to purchase backpacks and school supplies to help local school children. The biggest batch of those was delivered recently to Locke Elementary School not far from church. Your charity has become seeds sewn back into the community. Thank you for your effort and generosity. Look at those smiling faces!

MISSION UPDATE: New baptisms from Charis in Haiti

MISSION UPDATE: New baptisms from Charis in Haiti

Today is Mission Sunday at Trinity Christian Fellowship Church. Every third Sunday, we collect an extra offering to give to our missionaries in Haiti, Columbia, and India. We wanted to share a nice update from the Hendersons and their cause of Charis in Haiti. Recently, 33 new believers were baptized. We are constantly impressed and inspired by efforts of Dr. Malcolm Henderon, his cause, and his family. Continue to give of yourselves to support this mission.

EVENT: 2019 TCF Church Picnic pictures

EVENT: 2019 TCF Church Picnic pictures

The rain may have washed us away from Schiller Woods, the resilient and fellowship minded members of TCFC were bound and determined to celebrate and enjoy a meal together. We fired the grill up outside and brought the food inside. Games had to be trimmed, but our creative and helpful people made it all work. Thank you for everyone who attend and those who brought food, drinks, and supplies to share. We will do this again sometime! Rain, rain, go away!

EVENT: Church Picnic on Sunday the 18th!

EVENT: Church Picnic on Sunday the 18th!

On this coming Sunday, August 18th, Trinity Christian Fellowship Church will hosting their annual summer picnic at Schiller Park Woods Grove #2. The festivities begin at noon and run until 4pm. The park is located a short drive from TCF. Inside this post, you’ll find a map to get there and form to RSVP and sign-up for food. See you this Sunday!