
PROJECT: Eagle Scout Remodeling Support

PROJECT: Eagle Scout Remodeling Support

One of our members, William Murrell, is Boy Scout at Troop 969 in Norwood Park in Chicago. He is fundraising for his Eagle Scout project to complete his final step of being a scout. His project is to serve the community in one way or another. He chose to help renovate our church. For his project, William will be replacing ceiling tiles in numerous rooms as well as painting the nursery and installing a door. His goal is to raise $2,000. He would appreciate any donations that come his way as a blessing to our church. Any extra will be donated to TCF. Thank you all for your generosity and support towards this Eagle Scout project.

EVENT: Pancake Brunch on February 13th!

EVENT: Pancake Brunch on February 13th!

It’s Super Bowl Sunday and the day before Valentine’s Day! Come and join us after service on Sunday, February 13, 2022 for a hearty and delicious PANCAKE BRUNCH cooked and served by members of our TCFC hospitality team! Milk, juice, and coffee will be served as well. Invite friends and family to celebrate fellowship together with us!

MISSION UPDATE: Dr. Malcolm and Joy Henderson from CHARIS in Haiti visit next week

MISSION UPDATE: Dr. Malcolm and Joy Henderson from CHARIS in Haiti visit next week

One of the missionaries we support each month on our “Mission Sunday” collections will be visiting Trinity Christian Fellowship next week, January 9th, for a special service. Dr. Malcolm and Joy Henderson of CHARIS operating in Haiti will in attendance and speaking. Come to church and hear their powerful story after a tumultuous year in that Caribbean country. What they do to bring people to Jesus is absolutely amazing. You will be blessed by this presentation! We hope to see you next week and invite any interested friends and family.

NEXT WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit October 31

NEXT WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit October 31

One of the missionaries we support each month on our “Mission Sunday” collections will be visiting Trinity Christian Fellowship THIS COMING SUNDAY on October 31st for a special service. Reverend John Romick of RHEMA Colombia will be in attendance and speaking. Come to church and hear their powerful story and progress! The expansive community impact of their work is unparalleled. We hope to see you on the 31st and invite any interested friends and family.

EVENT: 2021 Back-to-School Church BBQ

EVENT: 2021 Back-to-School Church BBQ

On Sunday, September 19th, please join us at Trinity Christian Fellowship Church for our Back-to-School BBQ! We’ll have a bounce house for the kids and games for both kids and adults. The food and drinks are on us. Our activities will follow after our 9:30am service. Please join us for the good word and stay for some fellowship and refreshment. Invite friends. All are welcome!

THIS WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit November 1

THIS WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit November 1

One of the missionaries we support each month on our “Mission Sunday” collections will be visiting Trinity Christian Fellowship THIS SUNDAY on November 1st for a special service. Reverend John Romick of RHEMA Colombia will in attendance and speaking. Come to church and hear their powerful story and progress! The expansive community impact of their work is unparalleled. We hope to see you on the 1st and invite any interested friends and family.

MISSION UPDATE: Dr. Malcolm and Joy Henderson from CHARIS in Haiti visit next week

MISSION UPDATE: Dr. Malcolm and Joy Henderson from CHARIS in Haiti visit next week

One of the missionaries we support each month on our “Mission Sunday” collections will be visiting Trinity Christian Fellowship next week, October 4th, for a special service. Dr. Malcolm and Joy Henderson of CHARIS operating in Haiti will in attendance and speaking. Come to church and hear their powerful story and progress! What they do to bring people to Jesus is absolutely amazing. You will be blessed by this presentation! We hope to see you next week and invite any interested friends and family.