Verse of the Week: June 9th



21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

Psalm 78:41

41 Yea, they turned back and tested God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.


I won’t turn back and test God, because of fear and unbelief. When I am obedient to His word and Holy Spirit there are no limits.


  • New bible study group meets 9 am on Tuesdays here at the church. Everyone is welcome to come study the bible & fellowship

  • Our Mission Sunday will be June 23rd this month. Our Columbia missionaries will be here that day (Rev. Romick). Please start to invite people to hear what God is doing in Columbia

  • Church car wash in July 21st. Come to church with your dirty car. 11:30 am -2pm after church. It’s a chance to let the community know we are here! More news to come!

  • Please keep our new church roof in prayer. We are in the process of taking final bids from different roofing companies. We trust that God will give us peace with which company to bless with the job
