EVENT: Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Jose and Sylvia Diaz!

EVENT: Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Jose and Sylvia Diaz!

On Saturday, June 29th, Trinity Christian Fellowship Church was honored to host the wedding nuptials of two of our born again church members, Sylvia Valentin and Jose Diaz. Pastor Adam Murrell officiated the lovely ceremony attended by over 100 guests. Congratulations go out to the new Mr. and Mrs. Diaz! Your faith and joy make TCF a brighter place! Enjoy a brief slideshow of pictures to see our church transformed by a celebration of love!

NEXT WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit June 23

NEXT WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit June 23

One of the missionaries we support each month on our “Mission Sunday” collections will be visiting Trinity Christian Fellowship next week on June 23rd for a special service. Reverend John Romick of RHEMA Colombia will in attendance and speaking. Come to church and hear their powerful story and progress! The expansive community impact of their work is unparalleled. We hope to see you on the 23rd and invite any interested friends and family.

Verse of the Week: June 16th

Verse of the Week: June 16th

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.

CONFESSION: Jesus did all for me over 2000 years ago.  I am free from poverty, healed, delivered, I see things clearly, and I am set free to be who God made me to be.

MISSION UPDATE: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit June 23

MISSION UPDATE: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit June 23

One of the missionaries we support each month on our “Mission Sunday” collections will be visiting Trinity Christian Fellowship in a few weeks on June 23rd for a special service. Reverand John Romick of RHEMA Colombia will in attendance and speaking. Come to church and hear their powerful story and progress! The expansive community impact of their work is unparalleled. We hope to see you on the 23rd and invite any interested friends and family.