
EVENT: Annual Church Holiday Party on January 11th

EVENT: Annual Church Holiday Party on January 11th

The Trinity Christian Fellowship Church is hosting their annual holiday party on Saturday, January 11th. The church will provide the main dish and beverages. We ask that guests bring a side item or dessert to share. Expect fun, games, and a welcoming community! Festivities begin at 5:00pm. Any and all friends, family, and guests are invited. Our doors are open to all! See you on the 11th!

EVENT: 2019 TCF Church Picnic pictures

EVENT: 2019 TCF Church Picnic pictures

The rain may have washed us away from Schiller Woods, the resilient and fellowship minded members of TCFC were bound and determined to celebrate and enjoy a meal together. We fired the grill up outside and brought the food inside. Games had to be trimmed, but our creative and helpful people made it all work. Thank you for everyone who attend and those who brought food, drinks, and supplies to share. We will do this again sometime! Rain, rain, go away!

EVENT: Church Picnic on Sunday the 18th!

EVENT: Church Picnic on Sunday the 18th!

On this coming Sunday, August 18th, Trinity Christian Fellowship Church will hosting their annual summer picnic at Schiller Park Woods Grove #2. The festivities begin at noon and run until 4pm. The park is located a short drive from TCF. Inside this post, you’ll find a map to get there and form to RSVP and sign-up for food. See you this Sunday!

EVENT: Photos from TCFC's first Car Wash event on July 21, 2019

EVENT: Photos from TCFC's first Car Wash event on July 21, 2019

Enjoy some photos from our first-ever Car Wash Event! The rain definitely stole a little bit of our work, but it was a pleasure to work and give back to the community with a little work, sweat, suds, laughs, and generosity! All donations and proceeds are going towards school supplies and backpacks for local children and families. Thank you to all who worked and participated!

NEWS: TCFC is providing school supplies!

NEWS: TCFC is providing school supplies!

As a measure of community outreach, all of the proceeds from our July 21st car wash event will be go right back into the Chicago community. We have purchased school supplies and backpacks to make 50 special back-to-school care packages for local students and families. It was quite the Target shopping trip, as you can see from these pictures below. Trinity Christian Fellowship Church is dedicated to putting the generosity and hard work shared our way back into the mission field.

EVENT: Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Jose and Sylvia Diaz!

EVENT: Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Jose and Sylvia Diaz!

On Saturday, June 29th, Trinity Christian Fellowship Church was honored to host the wedding nuptials of two of our born again church members, Sylvia Valentin and Jose Diaz. Pastor Adam Murrell officiated the lovely ceremony attended by over 100 guests. Congratulations go out to the new Mr. and Mrs. Diaz! Your faith and joy make TCF a brighter place! Enjoy a brief slideshow of pictures to see our church transformed by a celebration of love!

NEXT WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit June 23

NEXT WEEK: The Romicks from RHEMA Colombia visit June 23

One of the missionaries we support each month on our “Mission Sunday” collections will be visiting Trinity Christian Fellowship next week on June 23rd for a special service. Reverend John Romick of RHEMA Colombia will in attendance and speaking. Come to church and hear their powerful story and progress! The expansive community impact of their work is unparalleled. We hope to see you on the 23rd and invite any interested friends and family.