EVENT: Photos from TCFC's first Car Wash event on July 21, 2019

EVENT: Photos from TCFC's first Car Wash event on July 21, 2019

Enjoy some photos from our first-ever Car Wash Event! The rain definitely stole a little bit of our work, but it was a pleasure to work and give back to the community with a little work, sweat, suds, laughs, and generosity! All donations and proceeds are going towards school supplies and backpacks for local children and families. Thank you to all who worked and participated!

MISSION UPDATE: The wonderful work from Rhema India

MISSION UPDATE: The wonderful work from Rhema India

Representing his father Nahari, Reverend Sanjay Thorat and his wife Katherine returned to Trinity Chrisitian Fellowship Church on July 21, 2019. He led an informative, inspiring, and lovely Sunday sermon for our monthly “Mission Sunday.” Check out some slideshows images below of the latest news and progress from Rhema India: